Maddi, 18
I'm Maddi and I just finished year 12 and got accepted into my third choice for Uni but I don’t know if that's what I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm considering a gap year to decide what to do but I'm not sure.
Maddi did not get a high enough score at school to get in to the first preference at Uni which was Medicine, and her third choice is Science and Technology but she is not sure if that is what she wants to do the rest of her life, specially because she wanted to study Medicine so she could help people hands on, so Maddi by understanding her natural traits with Walk Of Life Training Inc. (WOLTI), decided that it is worth it taking a gap year before Uni. With the WOLTI network she was able to take the gap year with purpose through an overseas exchange program involving helping disadvantaged people in Indonesia. Maddi therefore, had the chance to work out how she would help people best and she was also able to gain some experience to add to her Resume, so the time taken for the gap year was not wasted. Her other friends that started Uni straight after school will finish a year early, but Maddi will have experience which they have to gain to be as qualified as her.

Jonathan, 15
Hi my name is Jonathan. I'm in year 10 and my dad is a doctor. I really want to be a doctor like him but I don’t really like hospitals, I prefer being outdoors. I'm not sure what to do for my future career!
Jonathan respects and admires his dad and wants to meet his expectations. However, Jonathan knows that if he isn’t happy at work, he may never be as good as his dad is as a surgeon. Jonathan looked at his personality traits with Walk Of Life Training and found that working outdoors helping people was his real vocation, so he looked at employment related to medicine but working outdoors and started a career in emergency services. So Jonathan did study medicine like his father, but was motivated because he knew he would be out there helping people when there is disasters or medical emergencies where he would be hands-on and usually outdoors.

Ellie, 14
Hello I'm Ellie and I'm about to finish year 9. Everyone says I should finish school but I like manual arts and I want to find out my options. Maybe I can learn from my relatives or do a traineeship.
Ellie has a very important decision to make which will determine much about her future. If she leaves school after year 9 and the arts career does not work out, it will make it much harder to start other jobs without having the knowledge from the last years of school. However, if a career in manual arts is her calling then starting early will be an advantage. In Ellie’s case she is so sure manual arts is her main natural inclination and she has the natural ability for it. She consulted Walk Of Life Training’s program to review her options and was able to contact an apprenticeship broker who set her up with a school-based apprenticeship in an art dealing company. This way she did not sacrifice her schooling, but started a journey which will turn into a great successful career.
Chris, 25
Palm Beach

Hey I'm Chris. I have been working in a kitchen straight after school and even though cooking is great, I feel something is missing and I need to find the job that truly brings out the best in me.
Chris is naturally healthy and interested in health in general. He is also very fit and energetic and likes to be outdoors. With these personal traits in mind Chris reviewed careers that fit his natural personality traits and found that with a little study he can become a life coach or personal trainer and/or with a bit more study in health and nutrition to complement his cooking skills, he can apply his current knowledge to his chosen profession. With the right information from Walk Of Life Training Inc. (WOLTI), Chris has clarity about his career options that will be enjoyable and interesting. Chris has much motivation and will start a course online so his income does not suffer, and he already feels his future work will be filled with purpose and satisfaction.

The Importance of the process
How much time effort and money is wasted in hiring an employee, training them and then they leave to search for a better opportunity to find job satisfaction and the employer is back to the start of an endless cycle.
How much grief and uncertainty is experienced by the youth attempting to determine what they should do with their life and in most cases hopping from job to job with no clear aim and therefore no chance to get somewhere.
Appropriate career paths means higher productivity.
An improvement in the population’s ability to select appropriate career paths means a greater percentage of people after this generation will achieve higher productivity, and personal success.
Getting this self analysis to the schools at an opportune time potentially means better productivity for employers and the economy in general.
Benefits for Schools
Benefits For Featured Employers & Businesses
Your business will benefit by having up and coming employees fully aware of the facts relating each particular industry, and be safe knowing you have the suited personality to engage hands on in this industry.
A suited employee will mean lower staff turnover and increased willingness to do their very best to succeed.
Your business will also be able to commit on training and up skilling when the new employee is the right person for the job therefore becoming a valuable investment.
This is a framework that will assist school counselors. It’s the long awaited back up that has been needed so it can support their efforts and be able to maximise their assistance to the students in the time when they have to make such an important decision of what career to pursue.
The Program will assist the students to select the correct and relevant subjects to best suit their future career.
We can provide statistical data about the students to assist in future planning (no personal information will be disclosed and will only be provided to approved bodies) .
Centrlised point of Reference
Opportunity to collect Data and provide a centralized place for participants to access all the options for training, work or apprenticeships that are available.
Employment Trends
Investigating the traditional employment of a cluster such as indigenous we can determine where the mismatch to skills and potential for this group lays, in comparison to their current occupation